首次推介晚会 to benefit 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名棒球队 和 Softball Teams


十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s baseball 和 softball programs are working together with alumni 和 supporters to help preserve the tradition of excellence associated with both 团队s 当他们进入备受期待的赛季揭幕战.

十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s baseball 团队 opens at home on Saturday, February 9th 对阵吉尔福德技术社区学院. 垒球队的开赛时间提前了一个星期 2月2日星期六在家里nd 对贝尔蒙特艾比学院. 两个开瓶器都是带有1分的双头.m. 和
3 p.m. 开始时间.

33岁的布莱克·赫林是棒球队的总教练. 他正在用头垒球工作 教练埃里克·李,32岁,组织 首次推介晚会. 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 alumni, supporters, 教职员工 are invited to the event 来支持这两个项目. 该活动定于1月26日星期六举行, 5 p.m.,在罗杰G. 泰勒体育中心. 门票只要25美元. 正式活动 includes updates from Coach Herring, Coach Lee 和 comments from Jonathon R和 of 99.9 The Fan ESPN Radio, as well as a sit down meal, a silent auction 和 reverse 抽奖券. 预订座位的截止日期是1月19日th,所以不要拖延! To purchase tickets, contact: Sara Lippard, assistant softball coach, 919-497-1100 or slippard@ivantseng.com.


At 33-years-old, 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s baseball coach, Blake Herring, has been with the 团队 for seven seasons: three as assistant 和 this spring will be his fourth 作为主教练的赛季. Herring was the pitching coach at Millbrook High School in Raleigh 一年. He also coached the pitchers at Carson Newman University in East Tennessee, after playing college baseball where he pitched in the National Junior Collegiate 美国体育协会(NJCAA)棒球世界大赛.

He also teaches health 和 wellness at 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 和 previously worked for 在学生生活做了两年的导师. 此外,他还是…的成员 美国树校园委员会.

Herring’s players are prepared for the season ahead, 和 they are also looking forward 在第一场比赛中与支持者见面.

“The baseball 团队 sees this Gala as an opportunity to galvanize support behind our 这是一个历史性的项目。. 它还让校友、家长和朋友们了解到这个项目 an opportunity to engage with our players at the beginning of their collegiate careers, 他们中的一些人最终可能会在大联盟打球.”

Herring said 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s young athletes are benefitting from the previous generous support of donors who are helping the 团队 realize current upgrades to the 棒球设备. 除了在现代化的设施中打球,赫林说球队 受益于十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名学院的结构和传统.

baseballbattersHe explained that one of the biggest opportunities at the junior college level is there aren’t juniors 和 seniors on the 团队, so 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 players have the 有机会在场上和场下立即发挥并成为领导者. 是教练 staff’s responsibility to mentor these young players 和 prepare them for the challenges 竞争激烈的大学棒球.

“While many of our young players are earning immediate playing time, developing their skills 和 learning leadership techniques, the players at other colleges 和 universities 是‘骑在松树上’,”赫林说.

十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s baseball 团队 has been to the 世界大赛 10 times since it’s legendary Coach Russell Frazier started 这个项目 toward its tradition of excellence in 1959. Frazier retired in 1999, 和 the 团队 last attended a 世界大赛 in 2002. 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 baseball experienced a slight downturn, but it’s currently on a winning trajectory under Herring’s administration, with a 31-22 record last season.

“The players, coaches 和 alumni have created the st和ard of excellence, 和 it is the NJCAA Division I Baseball 世界大赛 in Gr和 Junction, Colorado. 因此,除非 we get there, it doesn’t matter how many games we win,” Herring said. “终极 这支球队的优势在于他们不认为自己会输. 它们永远不会出来 精神上的比赛.”

The 团队 is working hard so the local community, alumni 和 supporters have reasons to remain engaged 和 enthusiastic about baseball 和 become more involved with the 团队.

“There isn’t a better show on Saturdays 和 Sundays, in the Town of Louisburg 和 throughout Franklin County, than what’s happening at Frazier field,” Herring said.



The softball program at 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 began in 1977 under the direction of legendary 教练,希拉·R. Cotten. 接下来,她将继续指导这个项目 three decades to unprecedented success on both the regional 和 national levels. In all, 这个项目 has won 23 Region X Championships 和 been to six NJCAA Softball 世界大赛.

“This Gala is to help ensure that our kids 和 our fans continue to have a great experience,” 李说. “The money we raise is all going toward larger projects, including many of the things that need to happen to stay in compliance with regulations of the NJCAA.”

baseballsoftball李在十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名学院的第二个赛季. 他以前担任过教练 坎贝尔大学和芒特奥利弗大学的工作人员. 他的十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名学院 这支球队上赛季战绩29胜10负,赢得了X区冠军. 这个团队只有两个人 离参加世界职业棒球大赛还有一段距离.

“我觉得今年是属于我们的一年. 我们比一年前强多了。 14名大一学生和7名大二学生.

With 52 games on the schedule, keeping everyone healthy 和 fully-engaged can be challenging.

Coach 李说 he follows a three-point philosophy, Faith, Family & 团队,来帮忙 他的球员在这个赛季取得了成功.

他补充说:“我们都在考虑优先事项。. “输赢自会有结果, but the most important things we do are to get our players an education 和 make sure 他们在十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名学院有很好的经历.”

李说 the College’s commitment to the Christian faith is part of his program’s 成功的秘诀.

他说:“我们确保这是我们项目中的一部分。. “我们并没有这么说 be perfect, but we do want our kids to know that softball is a just byproduct of us 正确地做三件事:信仰、家庭和团队.”

十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名’s family philosophy is another aspect that Lee incorporates into 这个项目.  

“We keep our players’ families involved by organizing events like our Family Day in 秋天,”李说. “我们的团队也是一个家庭. 一天下来,家人发现 互相支持的方法.”

The coach said he is proudest of his players when they exhibit their belief in the Faith, Family 和 Team philosophy promoted by 这个项目 和 the College.

“我认为要想成功,你必须投入. 买账意味着你是 not self-seeking, but rather you’re focused on what’s best for the family 和 the 团队,”他总结道.
